December 10, 2009

Four corners, part dos

It's done!

I am in love with this quilt ... really, I've considered buying more of the same fabrics to make another one exactly like it. 

Check out the back - such an awesome green!

Some things I'm particularly excited about:
-the way the brown pops out
-the improv-ness (improvisationalism?) of each block
-the way the binding blends in with the back and shows up more on the front - a little edging effect
-the size - about 39"x39" - a little bigger than other baby quilts I've done, but perfect for a baby to lay/play/roll on

I ended up going with brown for the stitching.  Bold, I know.  It really contrasts with the white and pink, but (surprisingly) it works well with the backing fabric, and (unsurprisingly) it matches the brown on the front.  Check it out:

Here's one more picture, just a close-up of one of the blocks ...


More to come ... I've been a busy bee ...


  1. I love the brown stitching! It gives it even more personality! Love it.

  2. I love it! What a cool design and fun fabric. And the other one, too. Way to go, Katherine!

  3. I have a friend named Kat. She is a quilting rockstar. She makes cool quilts and posts pictures of them so I can see them, even though I am far, far away. She is the best.

  4. Katherine. I freakin' freakin' LOVE it. Woah. Beautiful beautiful. Are you in business? (a.k.a. how much can I buy one for?)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hey kat! It looks amazing! you're making me want to learn to quilt... :)

  7. Thanks for being so encouraging, friends!
